A Neural Interpretation of 5E Theory

25 Jan 2015 Audio Teachings

Hello Members!

This is a recording of the 2nd lecture I ever gave on CM. I presented this to the 2nd Conference of Traditional Acupuncture sponsored by the Traditional Acupuncture Foundation at the Shoreham Hotel in Washington DC, 1982. In attendance were, Elisibeth Rochat, Claude Larre, Manfred Porkert, Fritjof Capra, Ted Kaptchuck, Mark Seem, Yeshi Donden, Robert Thurman, and Simon Mills.

I amended this presentation for the audience and had just previously presented it to the neuroscience faculty at the University of MI proposing to do my Doctoral thesis on the innervation of the shu points as mapped unto the muscles, dermatomes, channels, and brain using radio immunoassay, and the new imaging technologies such as MRI and CAT scan. I went all out and decided to be transparent regarding my interests, if there was no place for me, then I’d move on. Which I did!

The recording is embarrassingly stiff as I was just learning to speak in public. Literally I had the entire presentation written out as opposed to now where I don’t use notes. At any rate, I thought you might enjoy it. I never wrote it as a published paper and every now and then imagine I might. I’ll post the graphics at some point if Im able to convert the slides. This work actually anticipated research being done now as well as the controversy of PTs dry needling trigger points.

Enjoy, Lonny

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