Lonny Jarrett Interviews Dr. Fritz Smith

04 Jun 2012 General

Hi Folks,

Here is an interview I conducted with Fritz Smith. I was interested to do this because of Fritz’ 60 years of clinical experience, and because of his depth and thoughtfulness always in evidence when I’ve met him over the years. In 1985 I was astounded to have a single short session of “Zero Balancing, or ZB” and have a problem totally resolved with my knee that acupuncture hadn’t touched.

Fritz Smith is a physician, osteopath, cranial osteopath, certified acupuncturist, and founder of Zero Balancing. He is the author of Inner Bridges: A Guide to Energy Movement and Body Structure, and Alchemy of Touch. Fritz has over 60 years of clinical experience and much depth to share relative to the importance of what I would call, “the ground of being” in relation to healing.

I hope you enjoy the interview!

Lonny Jarrett

web: www.zerobalancing.com