Spirit of the Points: First hour free.

12 Aug 2020 General

Dear Friend,

Here is a link to the first hour of the Spirit of the Points class I streamed in May 2020. Here I discuss “Whats is an Acupuncture Point?” from an Integral perspective. I hope you enjoy it. The entire class will soon be available at Nourishingdestiny.com as a 14 point PDA class.

Please Click Here for the Spirit of the Points Movie

I’m excited to offer my 2021 Clinical Integration class in a live streaming format!

All details including a curriculum, schedule, and costs can be found at this link: [Clinical Integration 2021](http://shenmingseminars.blogspot.com/p/clinical-integration-is-coming-to-bay_22.html)

Upcoming classes are available at: WWW.Chinesemedicine.courses

Warmly, Lonny Jarrett